I can believe and can’t believe that I’m co-leading a two-day workshop in collaboration with Nine Mountain Retreats centered on RACE. Specifically BLACKNESS & WHITENESS.
Honestly, I wanted someone else to create this for the Touch & Play Festival so that I could take it, play in it and push my own edges. A year later with 365 more days of civil unrest, dead black bodies, and newly woke white allies, something else needs to be done besides a Diversity Training with a collection plate of White Tears and Black Screams.
So with that and my true desire to PLAY with the concept of RACE, Christos Galanis and I have created something incredible. Our initial workshop is meant to be in person. However, we created a new curriculum specifically for having a sensual experience of RACE over Zoom. I know it sounds crazy. But we did it. He’s a Cultural Geographer and I’m a Cultural Provocateur. He’s an Interdisciplinary Artist that lives between ethnographic fieldwork & eco-sexuality and I’m an Intellectual Sensual Shaman that lives between value-based systems and erotic storytelling. Combined, we created SENSING RACE!
– What does ‘race’ feel like in your own body – in your own senses?
– In what ways do your senses perceive ‘race’ in the body of another?
– How does this race-fixated culture we’re a part of inhabit and inhibit our bodies; our imaginations; our speech; our dreams and our nightmares? our agendas?
– How might we ‘make sense’ of race, and explore how Blackness and Whiteness inform our relationships, our identities, our emotions; or our very perceptions of reality?
– Most importantly, how might we explore these prompts mindfully, playfully, creatively, and even sensually?
Join us. This is fucking magic. I want to take my own workshop. 10% of tix sales will be donated to Harlem Children’s Zone and RAINN, two organizations very important to us.
You do need to attend both days. And also, if you can’t attend but want to support if you have the means, we also have a donation option to allow for scholarships for those who aren’t financially able or you may simply want to donate additional funds to support us, facilitators.