The Badonkamonk
SlutChurch's Patron Taint of Big D!cks
Enjoy the
with the succubabes of SlutChurch!
Metal. Rock. BDSM. Burlesque. GoGo
Philly’s long-running beloved kinky, witchy, metal burlesque and gogo shows. Shay Au Lait performed with the troupe as a guest feature since 2018 and was invited to be a troupe member in April 2020. On August 3, 2023, Shay Au Lait was fired by the producer unjustly when asked to verify lies and slander the producer told community members about them.

Patron Taint of Big Dicks
As the resident BadonkaMONK and Patron Taint of Big Dicks, Shay's a strange, shapeshifting mindfuck who's playfully innocent and dangerously kinky. Shay's rocker performance aesthetic includes cinematic narrative themes blended with futuristic black girl magic. Shay's acts play on theatrical primal creature motifs, as well as post-apocalyptic doom. Shay's SlutChurch acts often include impact play, temperature play, breath play, mental masochism, sensory deprivation, pole dance, and sensory play focused on intentional haptics. Shay is interactive, immersive, and intense.

"The leaves didn’t artfully fall, they froze in place, awaiting further instruction from their magical mistress."
- Ryan Reath